Pursuant to the decision of the Polish Minister of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy No. TD-5i-027-17 (4)/13 of 14/10/2013, (with later amendments), BOSMAL Automotive Research and Development Institute Ltd is a technical service in the following fields:
1) in the scope of type approvals:
a) EU type approval tests of a vehicle or vehicle type for vehicle categories M, N, O, L, T, R, C and S,
b) conducting type approval tests of equipment or components for vehicle categories: M, N, O, L, T, R, C and S,
Please use the following link to get familiar with „Detailed scope of authorisation to carry out type approval tests for equipment or components for vehicle categories M, N, O, L, T, R, C and S”:
c) performing approval tests related to the mounting of additional gaseous fuel supply systems in vehicles of category M and N;
d) carrying out:
– conformity of production checks for vehicles, items of equipment or vehicle components, for vehicle categories: M, N, O, L, T, R, C and S,
– inspection of the conformity of mounting additional gaseous fuel supply systems in vehicles of category M and N;
2) within the scope of national individual vehicle approval, admission of a vehicle subjected to tests confirming the fulfilment of the applicable conditions or technical requirements for a given vehicle, in order to obtain national individual vehicle approval for vehicles of categories: M, N, O, T, R, C, S and L;
3) within the scope of EU individual vehicle approval,
carrying out tests confirming the fulfilment of appropriate conditions or technical requirements of a given vehicle, for the purpose of EU approving of an individual vehicle for the categories of vehicles: M1, N1 and special vehicles M, N, and O;